Kyung-Uhn Scholarships:

  • The first place award is named after Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho (1907-2008), who devoted his life in education of young generation, as a founder and principal of Baemyung High School in Seoul, Korea. It stared in 2012 and lasts to present.

  • The second place award is named after PL Scholarship (2014 ~ present) is funded by a Kyung-Gi Girl’s HS Graduate (50회, Class of ‘62) who wishes to remain anonymous.

  • The third place award is named after Osam Scholarship (2012 ~ present) is funded by a Kyung-Gi Girls’ H.S. Graduate (45회, Class of '57) who wishes to remain anonymous.

  • Dr. Kilyoung Yun is a retired medical doctor who practiced medicine for more than 40 years in New York area. She is also an alumnae of KGHS (Class of '46). It was awarded n 2012.



The Korean War

Grand Award, Kyunggi Scholarship $1,500

  • Ean Soh, The Korean War: Failure on All Fronts(한국전쟁:모든 면에서의 실패)”  Leonia HS, NJ

1st Award, Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,200

  • Chloe Woo, From the forgotten war to global implications: Lessons learned from the Korean War (잊혀진 전쟁이 주는 세계적인 의미 : 한국전쟁의 교훈)  Northview HS, GA

2nd Award, PL Scholarship, Moo Goong Scholarship $1,000 each

  • Jack Murdock, “Unforgettable lessons from the forgotten war(잊혀진 전쟁에서 얻은 잊을 수 없는 교훈)”  The Bronx HS of Science, NY

  • Sean Yoo, Freedom is not free (자유는 거저 얻어지지 않는다)” Granada Hills Charter HS, CA

3rd Award, Osam Scholarship $500 each

  • Kaylee Choyoung Kim, “Echoes of Resilience: Reflections on the Korean War and the Path to peace (끈기의 메아리:한국전쟁과 평화를 위한 나의 생각) La Canada HS, CA

  • Aspen Meyer, “6.25 Blended: My Korean Connection (섞여진 6.25: 한국과 나의 연결점)” Acellus Online Academy, MO

  • Ryan Paul Kim, “More than a Footnote (Footnote, 그 이상)” Bergen County Technical HS, NJ

Manuscript Award, John Kwon Scholarship $500 each

  • Sean Yoo, Freedom is not free (자유는 거저 얻어지지 않는다)” Granada Hills Charter HS, CA

  • Ryan Paul Kim, “More than a Footnote (Footnote, 그 이상)” Bergen County Technical HS, NJ

Finalist Award, Mikyung Paik Memorial Scholarship $200 each

  • Eric Kwon, “The forgotten War (잊혀진 전)” Scarsdale HS, NY

  • Sahar Yousufzai, Beyond the Battle (전투를 넘어서)”  Northern Valley Regional HS, NJ

  • Brianna Park, “Fractured Peninsula (부서진 한반도)”  Benjamin N. Cardozo HS, NY

  • Yuno Kim Lee, “U.S. Intervention in the Korean War: An Ever-Lasing Alliance Forged in War (미국의 한국전쟁 참여: 전쟁으로 맺어진 영원한 동맹)” Milburn HS, NJ

  • Matthew Hyunbin Chu, “Shards of Memory: How a Distant War Shaped Me (기억의  조각들: 먼 곳의 전쟁이 나에게 준 영향)”  Rutherford HS, NJ

  • Alysa Kim, “The Sad Truth Behind the Victims of the Korean War (한국전쟁의 희생자들에 대한 슬픈 진실)” 

  • Noam Traeger, “The not so Forgotten War (아주 잊혀지지는 않은 전쟁)”  Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, NY


Your Vision for the Korean Peninsula: Describe the Korean Peninsula 20 or 30 years from now.

* Due to COVID19 heath concerns, Speech Contest held virtually.

Grand Award: Kyunggi Girls’ HS AA of Greater NY Scholarship, $1200

  • Justin Murdock, “Joseon: Spirit of the Century”
    Stuyvesant HS, NY (11th Gr)

1st Place: Tahn-AhmYong-Ku Cho Scholarship, $1000

  • Arabelle Park, “A Persistent Pride”
    Homestead HS (9th Gr)

2nd Place: PL Scholarship, $500 Each

  • Syon Lee, ”The Late Joseon Dynasty: External Pressures to Open Korea”
    Millburn HS (12th Gr)

  • Sean Woo, “Lessons Learned from Late Joseon Dynasty”
    Millburn HS (10th Gr)

3rd Place: Osam Schoalrship, $300 Each

  • Aissatou Sow, “When Whales Fight, The Shrimps’ Back Is Broken.”
    Democracy Prep Harlem HS (9th Gr)

  • Luke Cho, “Korean Isolationism and Foreign Imperialism”
    South HS (10th Gr)

  • Olsmael Mérisier, “When Whales Fight”
    Midwood HS (12th Gr)

Research Award: John Kwon Scholarship, $ 500 Each

  • Arabelle Park, “A Persistent Pride”
    Homestead HS (9th Gr)

  • Syon Lee, “The Late Joseon Dynasty: External Pressures to Open Korea”
    Millburn HS (12th Gr)

Honorable Mention Scholarship $200 Each

  • Andrew Chang, “Elegance with Scars”
    Ridgewood HS (10th Gr)

  • Naomi Voyles, “The Fall and Rise of Korea”
    Herbert Hoover HS (10th Gr)

Finalist Scholarship $100 Each

  • Jake Jaehyuk Chang, “The Spirit of Patriotism”
    Oxford Academy (11th Gr)

  • Nicholas Chung, “The Irony of Conservatism In The Late 19 th And Early 29 th Century”
    Special Music School HS (10th Gr)

  • Patricia Joie Fillo, “Korea vs. the World (Late 19 th -Early 20 th Century”
    North Hollywood Sr. HS (10th Gr)

  • Grace Kim, “Earth to Joseon”
    The Chapin School (11th Gr)

  • Catherine Park, “The Unseen Efforts of the Reformist: The Attempts of Modernization in the Kingdom of Korea”
    Ward Melville HS (10th Gr)

Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center


Your Vision for the Korean Peninsula: Describe the Korean Peninsula 20 or 30 years from now.

* Due to COVID19 heath concerns, oral delivery was canceled. Judges made decisions based on speech manuscript only.

Grand Award: Kyunggi Award $1,200

  • Joseph Chaemin Lim, “My Vision of the Korean Peninsula: A hopeful glimpse in the future (한반도에 대한 나의 비전)
    Edgemont HS (9th)

1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,000

  • Sean Woo, “Challenges of Korean Unification (한반도 통일에 대해 극복해야 할 점들)“
    Milburn HS (9th)

2nd Place: PL Scholarship $500

  • Andrew Kim, “Lifting the Barbell (바벨 들어 올리기)”
    Tenafly HS (10th)

  • Seo-Hyun Christina Lee, “Hidden Voices of Our Daughters (우리 딸들의 숨겨진 목소리)”
    Half Hollow Hills HS (10th)

3rd Place: Osam Scholarship $300

  • Seonin Sunny Lee, “Gender Inequalities and Hidden Cameras (숨겨진 카메라 전염병)”
    Benjamin N. Cardozo HS (10th)

  • Syon Lee, “The Road To Become A World Leader In The Future (미래의 세계적 리더가되는 길)
    Milburn HS (10th)

  • Chaehong Lim, “The Ongoing Korean Wave: Outside and Inside (진행중인 한류 : 외부와 내부)
    Edgemont HS (10th)

Finalist $100

  • Edison Park, “The Fall for the Unification: The Path to a Unified Korea (통일의 몰락 : 통일 한국으로가는 길)”
    Townsend Harris HS (11th)

  • Gunhee Lee, “Korea in 2050 (2050년 한국)
    Staten Island Tech HS (10th)

  • Justin Alexander, “A Unified Korea (통일 한국)
    Edgemont HS (9th)

  • Christopher Shin, “Korea Now and Forever (한국, 지금 그리고 영원히)
    Tenafly HS (12th)

  • Darlene Caguna, “K-Beauty in the Future (미래의 K- 뷰티)
    Benjamin N. Cardozo HS (10th)

  • Allison Kwak, “The Great Unification (위대한 통일)
    Manalapan HS (10th)

  • Michelle Lopez, “Korea’s High Standards on Student Affects their Mental Health (한국의 학생에 대한 높은 기대가 정신 건강에 미치는 영향)”
    Democracy Prep. Charter HS (9th)

  • Andrew Chang, “Journey of Korea (한국 여행)
    Ridgewood HS (9th)



100th Anniversary of the March First Movement: Its Meaning and Impact

What is the significance of the movement then and now; does a 100 year old movement have any impact on us, on modern day domestic as well as international situations?

Grand Award: Kyunggi Award $1,200

  • Ian Kim, The World Tour of the Samil Movement (삼일운동과 세계 민족 운동)” Edgemont HS (9th)

1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,000

  • William Chung, Forging an Identity Through Blood and Tears (피 와 눈물로 만들어내는 아이덴티티) Bergen County Academies (12th)

2nd Place: PL Scholarship $500

  • Maxim Melnichuk, The Search for Freedom and Its Shining Beacon of Hope (자유의 추구와 희망의 횃불)”
    Northern Valley Regional HS at Demarest (11th)

  • Brian Jon, “There is no future for the people who have forgotten history (과거를 잊은 사람들에게는 미래가 없다)”
    Bergen County Technical HS at Teterboro (10th)

3rd Place: Osam Scholarship $300

  • Yuanchen Liu, “Protestantism and Korean Nationalism (한국의 민족주의와 신교의 연관성)
    Hunter College HS (12th)

  • Madeleine Song, “The Story That Never Ends: The Past, Present, and Future of the March 1st Movement (끝나지 않는 이야기:삼일운동의 과거,현재,미래)” Northern Valley Regional HS at Demarest (12th)

  • Henry Jihoon Ahn, “Yu Gwan Sun’s 100 Year Torch (유관순의100년간의 횃불)” Northern Valley Regional HS at Old Tappan (10th)

Research Award $300

  • Yuanchen Liu, “Protestantism and Korean Nationalism (한국의 민족주의와 신교의 연관성) Hunter College HS (12th)

  • Emily Cheyeon Gil, March 1st in Modern Times (현대의 삼일운동)” Bergen County Technical HS (11th)

  • Aiden Kwen, “Religion in Korea: The Impact of the March First Movement (한국의 종교- 삼일운동의 영향)”
    Tenafly HS (11th)

Finalist $100

  • Maddie Cho, “The March First Movement: Not To Be Forgotten (잊혀서는 안되는 삼일운동)”
    Tenafly HS (10th)

  • Lauren Jun, Societal Impacts of the March 1st Movement (삼일운동의 사회적 영향)” Townsend Harris HS (9th)

  • Syon Lee, “Mansei (만세)” Milburn HS (10th)



1. How has your exposure to Korean culture or history impacted you?

2.Discuss the escalating tension between the United States and North Korea: Its impact on global politics and the prospect of reunification of the divided Korean Peninsula

Grand Award: Kyunggi Award $1,200

  • Christine Han, “I am Korean, I am Proud (나는 자랑스러운 한국인)
    Ridgewood HS (11th)

1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,000

  • Brian Jon, “Fighting for your rights: Stand Up and Speak Out (당신의 권리: 당당한 의견발표)” Bergen Technical HS (9th)

2nd Place: PL Scholarship $500

  • Alyssa Ferdinand, “How Korean Has Changed My Perspective on Life (한국어는  내 삶의 관점을 바꿨다)”
    Ridgefield Memorial HS (12th)

  • Daniel Jin, “My Mother’s Kimchi Jjigae (우리 엄마의 김치찌개)“
    Rutherford HS (12th)

3rd Place: Osam Scholarship $300

  • Rachel Han, “I am a Korean-American (나는 한국인이며 미국인이다)“ Moorestown HS (12th)

  • Jiyoon Hwang, Discovering My Identity in the Midst of Racism and Discrimination (민족차별속에서 내 identity 를 찾다)
    William Fremd HS (11th)

  • Jeremy Kim, Lessons from My Grandfather (할아버지의 교훈)
    Hunter College HS (10th)

Finalist $100

  • Victoria Choe, “How the Korean Culture has Impacted my Lifestyle (한국 문화가 내 삶에 준 영향)” Whippany Park HS (11th)

  • Christopher Park, “Being _ _ _ _ _ ( 나는 나다) River Dell HS (10th)

  • Nicollette Cruz, “A Culture in Motion (다양한 문화)“
    Ridgefield Memorial HS (11th)

  • Alex Ogle, “The Impact of Korean Culture (한국문화의 영향)
    Fairfield Area HS (11th)

2017 Finalists


1. Division of the Korean Peninsula
2. Korean culture

1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship

  • Sohee Kim, "Proud of My Name and Culture (내 이름에 담긴 자랑스러운 유산)" Northern Valley Regional HS at Old Tappan (10th)

2nd Place: PL Scholarship & Research Award

  • Christine Han, "Yun Dong Ju: The Anguished Voice of Korea (윤동주: 한국고뇌의 목소리)"
    Ridgewood HS (10th)

2nd Place: PL Scholarship

  • Joanna Jo, "Yu Gwan-Sun: A Story for the World (세계에 알리고 싶은 유관순)" Palisades Park HS (11th)

3rd Place: Osam Scholarship

  • Andrew Lee, "Colonel Young-Oak Kim (김영옥 대령)"
    St. Francis Preparatory School (11th)

  • Youna Choi, "Worth Waiting For (기다림의 가치)"
    Bergen County Academies (10th)

  • Derek Chun, "Ahn Jung Geun: His Life and Legacy (안중근: 생애와 유산)"
    John P. Stevens High School (10th)


  • Bing Chen, "The Significance of North Korean Defectors to the World (탈북자들은 말한다)" Brooklyn Technical HS (12th)

  • Shannon Dussman, "The Korean Entertainment Industry and Its Worldwide Impact (한국 엔터테인멘트 사업이 세계에 끼친 영향)" Columbia High School (11th)

  • Soonmyung Hwang, "The Human Representation of Global Citizenship (세계시민 반기문)" William Fremd HS (12th)

  • Seunghoon Kim, "Kang Young Woo: The Blind Visionary (맹인 강영우의 이상)" Ridgefield Memorial HS (12th)

  • Jiwon Estee Yi, "Korea's Ancestral Veneration and Its Potential for Global Appeal (한국의 조상공경 사상이 가지는 매력)" The Bronx High School of Science (9th)

  • Jeremy Kim, “North Korea’s Isolation: The Dangerous Legacy of Division(북한의 고립: 분단의 위험한 유산) Hunter College HS (9th)

Research Award

  • David Oks, "The Poplar Tree Incident: The Skirmish That Nearly Caused a War (포플라나무 사건: 전쟁 일보 직전)" The Masters School (10th)

2016 Finalists


'한국 역사상 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 각 분야에 크게 영향을 준 인물이나 사건 또는 한 시대를 선택하여, 그 역사적 배경과 한국과 한국국민에게 끼친 영향에 대해 토론 하십시오'

Grand Award

1st Place & Research Award

2nd Place: PL Scholarship

  • Tommy Park, "Truth and Reconciliation (진실과 화해)" Horace Greeley HS

  • Julie Kim, "Teaching the World with Her Courage (그녀의 용기로 세계를 감동시키다)" UC Tech HS

3rd Place: Osam Scholarship

  • Yohan Shin, "The Missionary Thomas was a Cornerstone for the Development of the Korean Country and its People (한국민과 한국 발전의 모퉁이 돌, 토마스 선교사)" Tenafly HS

  • Sarah Rim, "The Korean " Comfort Women " : War victims to Be Commemorated, Not to Be Neglected (등한시 되지말고, 상기되어야할 전쟁피해자: 한국인 종군위안부)" Stuyvesant HS

  • Kristin Kweon, "Hallyu: The Korean Wave (한국의 물결)" Academies at Englewood

Research Award

  • Seunghee Lee, “The Jikji: Proof to Defy and Redeem” High School of American Studies at Lehman College


  • Lauren Kyuhee Choi, "Unknown Movement (알려지지 않은 독립운동)" The Bronx HS of Science

  • Bo Lee, "Mansae, Mansae! (만세, 만세!)" Bergen County Academies

  • Seunghee Lee, "The Jikji : Proof to Defy and Redeem (항에 맞서 찾아낸 우리의 보물, 직지)" HS of America Studies at Lehman College

  • David Oks, "The Legacy of President Syngman Rhee (초대대통령, 이승만 박사의 민족적 유산)" The Masters School

2015 Finalists


Commemorating 1945

Grand Award

  • Eugene Kim, "From an Ecstatic Independence to a Tragic Separation: People versus Politic"
    Cherry Hill High School East

1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship

  • Justin Kim, “1945: A New Hope for Korea”
    Bronx High School of Science

2nd Place: PL Scholarship

  • Richard Kim, "The Land of the Morning Calm"
    Livingston High School

  • Christina Yun, "1945: The Year Everything Changed" Eastchester High School

3rd Place: Osam Scholarship

  • Stella Nan, "The Realizable Dream"
    Fort Lee High School

  • Hyun Joo (Haley) Yang, "Two Koreas" Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest

  • Yoonsun Choi, "Distant Dream of Unity"
    Bergen County Academy

Research Award

  • Hyun Joo (Haley) Yang, "Two Koreas"
    Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest


  • Julie Kim, "The 38th Parallel: Line of Separation, Line of Hope"
    Union County Vocational-Tech HS

  • Magnus Roh, "The Korean War Never Ended"
    Palisades Park Jr/Sr High School

  • Jiwon Jung, "What We Should Not Forget"
    Fort Lee High School

  • Yehyun Lee, "Two Tears"
    Fort Lee High School

  • Jasmine Park, "The Year 1945: Why It Matters: The Past, Present, Future Divide" Bayside High School

  • Tenzin Deckyi, "Division of Korea"
    Francis Lewis High School

  • Kristin Kweon, "The Marvels and Mishaps of Korea"
    Academies at Englewood

  • John Kim, "The Prospect of 'Free and Independent' South Korea Under Military Rule [the Allied Forces]"
    Clarkstown High School South

  • Tommy Park, "United We Stand, and Divided We Fall"
    Horace Greeley High School

2014 Finalists


Grand Award

  • Yunhee Hyun, "우리는 하나"
    Hunter College HS

1st Place: Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship

  • Yaehee Gloria Bae, "눈치빠른 배려심"
    Northern Valley Regional HS

2nd Place: PL Scholarship

  • Joshua Lee, "울산 조선소로 한국의 입지가 달라졌다"
    Leonia HS

  • Sojin Kim, "김구"
    Cherry Hill HS

3rd place: Osam Scholarship

  • Madelyn Kim, "세종대왕"
    Academies at Englewood

  • Cheryl Lee, "Korean American Identity Reborn on Sa-i-gu (4,29 사건으로 우리의 identity를 찾았다)"
    Bayside HS

  • Arnorld Hasani, "How Korean Culture Changed My Life (한국전통이 내게 준 영향)"

2013 Finalists


1st place: Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship

  • Nahae Kim, "Dr. Seo-Yang Park"
    Great Neck South HS

2nd place: Suh Kwangsun Scholarship

  • Nicholas Kim, "Backbom Kim Ku"
    Whippany Park HS

  • Anne Kim, "Yu Gwan-Sun"
    Richard Montgomery HS

3rd place: Osam Scholarship

  • Ashley Kim, "King Sejong"
    Livingston HS

  • Sora Lee, "An Chang-Ho"
    Rutherford HS

  • Sarah Park, "Yu Gwan-Sun"
    Francis Lewis HS

  • Jane Sul, "Dr. Seo Jae-Pil"
    Cherry Hill HS


  • Juneho Jang, "The Pioneer of Korea's Electronic Age"
    Fort Lee HS

  • Jane Cho, "Sejong Daewang"
    Wayne Hills HS

  • Tommy Do, "Kim Ku"
    Northern Valley Regional HS

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1st Place: Dr. Kilyoung Yun Scholarship

  • Cailey Martin, "The Division of Korea
    Scarsdale HS

2nd Place: Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship

  • Ryan Choi, "Nation’s Debt & People’s Courage"

  • Jong Lee, "Yangnyeong"

3rd Place: Osam Scholarship

  • Christopher Han, "Yi Sun Sin"

  • Yury Higuchi, "Yu Gwan Sun"

  • Lubin Lee, "A Nation Survived The Impossible"


  • Eunhye Gim, “Hwe Young Lee”

  • Han Lim Lee, “Kee Chung”

  • Jieun Yoo, “Choi Hyun Bae”

2011 Finalists


“A Korean Historical Figure I Most Admire”

1ST Place

  • Sue Jung Lee, "김점동"
    Northern Valley Regional HS (10th Grade)

2nd Place

  • Christine Y. Kim, "Seo Jae-Pil: The Man Who Inspired My Dream (서재필)"
    Lenape HS (10th Grade)

  • Kenneth Mok, "반기문"
    Northern Valley Regional HS (11th Grade)

3rd Place

  • Sungmin Kang, "세종대왕"
    North Gwinnett HS (10th Grade)

  • Ho Jun Park, "허병렬"
    Horace Greeley HS (9th Grade)

  • Jason Park, "이순신"
    Edgemont Jr./Sr. HS (9th Grade)


  • Katherine Oh, "안중근"
    Stuyvesant HS (9th Grade)

  • Sooyeon Jung, "세종대왕"
    Earl L. Vandermeulen HS (11th Grade)

  • Hyung-Jun Pang, "안중근­­"
    Edgemont Jr./Sr. HS (10th Grade)

  • Juneho Jang, "장영실"
    Fort Lee HS (9th Grade)