Kyung-Uhn Scholarships:
The first place award is named after Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho (1907-2008), who devoted his life in education of young generation, as a founder and principal of Baemyung High School in Seoul, Korea. It stared in 2012 and lasts to present.
The second place award is named after PL Scholarship (2014 ~ present) is funded by a Kyung-Gi Girl’s HS Graduate (50회, Class of ‘62) who wishes to remain anonymous.
The third place award is named after Osam Scholarship (2012 ~ present) is funded by a Kyung-Gi Girls’ H.S. Graduate (45회, Class of '57) who wishes to remain anonymous.
Dr. Kilyoung Yun is a retired medical doctor who practiced medicine for more than 40 years in New York area. She is also an alumnae of KGHS (Class of '46). It was awarded n 2012.
The Korean War
Grand Award, Kyunggi Scholarship $1,500
Ean Soh, “The Korean War: Failure on All Fronts(한국전쟁:모든 면에서의 실패)” Leonia HS, NJ
1st Award, Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,200
Chloe Woo, “From the forgotten war to global implications: Lessons learned from the Korean War (잊혀진 전쟁이 주는 세계적인 의미 : 한국전쟁의 교훈)” Northview HS, GA
2nd Award, PL Scholarship, Moo Goong Scholarship $1,000 each
Jack Murdock, “Unforgettable lessons from the forgotten war(잊혀진 전쟁에서 얻은 잊을 수 없는 교훈)” The Bronx HS of Science, NY
Sean Yoo, “Freedom is not free (자유는 거저 얻어지지 않는다)” Granada Hills Charter HS, CA
3rd Award, Osam Scholarship $500 each
Kaylee Choyoung Kim, “Echoes of Resilience: Reflections on the Korean War and the Path to peace (끈기의 메아리:한국전쟁과 평화를 위한 나의 생각)” La Canada HS, CA
Aspen Meyer, “6.25 Blended: My Korean Connection (섞여진 6.25: 한국과 나의 연결점)” Acellus Online Academy, MO
Ryan Paul Kim, “More than a Footnote (Footnote, 그 이상)” Bergen County Technical HS, NJ
Manuscript Award, John Kwon Scholarship $500 each
Sean Yoo, “Freedom is not free (자유는 거저 얻어지지 않는다)” Granada Hills Charter HS, CA
Ryan Paul Kim, “More than a Footnote (Footnote, 그 이상)” Bergen County Technical HS, NJ
Finalist Award, Mikyung Paik Memorial Scholarship $200 each
Eric Kwon, “The forgotten War (잊혀진 전쟁)” Scarsdale HS, NY
Sahar Yousufzai, “Beyond the Battle (전투를 넘어서)” Northern Valley Regional HS, NJ
Brianna Park, “Fractured Peninsula (부서진 한반도)” Benjamin N. Cardozo HS, NY
Yuno Kim Lee, “U.S. Intervention in the Korean War: An Ever-Lasing Alliance Forged in War (미국의 한국전쟁 참여: 전쟁으로 맺어진 영원한 동맹)” Milburn HS, NJ
Matthew Hyunbin Chu, “Shards of Memory: How a Distant War Shaped Me (기억의 조각들: 먼 곳의 전쟁이 나에게 준 영향)” Rutherford HS, NJ
Alysa Kim, “The Sad Truth Behind the Victims of the Korean War (한국전쟁의 희생자들에 대한 슬픈 진실)”
Noam Traeger, “The not so Forgotten War (아주 잊혀지지는 않은 전쟁)” Hebrew Academy of Nassau County, NY
Your Vision for the Korean Peninsula: Describe the Korean Peninsula 20 or 30 years from now.
* Due to COVID19 heath concerns, Speech Contest held virtually.
Grand Award: Kyunggi Girls’ HS AA of Greater NY Scholarship, $1200
Justin Murdock, “Joseon: Spirit of the Century”
Stuyvesant HS, NY (11th Gr)
1st Place: Tahn-AhmYong-Ku Cho Scholarship, $1000
Arabelle Park, “A Persistent Pride”
Homestead HS (9th Gr)
2nd Place: PL Scholarship, $500 Each
Syon Lee, ”The Late Joseon Dynasty: External Pressures to Open Korea”
Millburn HS (12th Gr)Sean Woo, “Lessons Learned from Late Joseon Dynasty”
Millburn HS (10th Gr)
3rd Place: Osam Schoalrship, $300 Each
Aissatou Sow, “When Whales Fight, The Shrimps’ Back Is Broken.”
Democracy Prep Harlem HS (9th Gr)Luke Cho, “Korean Isolationism and Foreign Imperialism”
South HS (10th Gr)Olsmael Mérisier, “When Whales Fight”
Midwood HS (12th Gr)
Research Award: John Kwon Scholarship, $ 500 Each
Arabelle Park, “A Persistent Pride”
Homestead HS (9th Gr)Syon Lee, “The Late Joseon Dynasty: External Pressures to Open Korea”
Millburn HS (12th Gr)
Honorable Mention Scholarship $200 Each
Andrew Chang, “Elegance with Scars”
Ridgewood HS (10th Gr)Naomi Voyles, “The Fall and Rise of Korea”
Herbert Hoover HS (10th Gr)
Finalist Scholarship $100 Each
Jake Jaehyuk Chang, “The Spirit of Patriotism”
Oxford Academy (11th Gr)Nicholas Chung, “The Irony of Conservatism In The Late 19 th And Early 29 th Century”
Special Music School HS (10th Gr)Patricia Joie Fillo, “Korea vs. the World (Late 19 th -Early 20 th Century”
North Hollywood Sr. HS (10th Gr)Grace Kim, “Earth to Joseon”
The Chapin School (11th Gr)Catherine Park, “The Unseen Efforts of the Reformist: The Attempts of Modernization in the Kingdom of Korea”
Ward Melville HS (10th Gr)
Your Vision for the Korean Peninsula: Describe the Korean Peninsula 20 or 30 years from now.
* Due to COVID19 heath concerns, oral delivery was canceled. Judges made decisions based on speech manuscript only.
Grand Award: Kyunggi Award $1,200
Joseph Chaemin Lim, “My Vision of the Korean Peninsula: A hopeful glimpse in the future (한반도에 대한 나의 비전) “
Edgemont HS (9th)
1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,000
Sean Woo, “Challenges of Korean Unification (한반도 통일에 대해 극복해야 할 점들)“
Milburn HS (9th)
2nd Place: PL Scholarship $500
Andrew Kim, “Lifting the Barbell (바벨 들어 올리기)”
Tenafly HS (10th)Seo-Hyun Christina Lee, “Hidden Voices of Our Daughters (우리 딸들의 숨겨진 목소리)”
Half Hollow Hills HS (10th)
3rd Place: Osam Scholarship $300
Seonin Sunny Lee, “Gender Inequalities and Hidden Cameras (숨겨진 카메라 전염병)”
Benjamin N. Cardozo HS (10th)Syon Lee, “The Road To Become A World Leader In The Future (미래의 세계적 리더가되는 길)”
Milburn HS (10th)Chaehong Lim, “The Ongoing Korean Wave: Outside and Inside (진행중인 한류 : 외부와 내부)”
Edgemont HS (10th)
Finalist $100
Edison Park, “The Fall for the Unification: The Path to a Unified Korea (통일의 몰락 : 통일 한국으로가는 길)”
Townsend Harris HS (11th)Gunhee Lee, “Korea in 2050 (2050년 한국)”
Staten Island Tech HS (10th)Justin Alexander, “A Unified Korea (통일 한국)”
Edgemont HS (9th)Christopher Shin, “Korea Now and Forever (한국, 지금 그리고 영원히)”
Tenafly HS (12th)Darlene Caguna, “K-Beauty in the Future (미래의 K- 뷰티)”
Benjamin N. Cardozo HS (10th)Allison Kwak, “The Great Unification (위대한 통일)”
Manalapan HS (10th)Michelle Lopez, “Korea’s High Standards on Student Affects their Mental Health (한국의 학생에 대한 높은 기대가 정신 건강에 미치는 영향)”
Democracy Prep. Charter HS (9th)Andrew Chang, “Journey of Korea (한국 여행)”
Ridgewood HS (9th)
100th Anniversary of the March First Movement: Its Meaning and Impact
What is the significance of the movement then and now; does a 100 year old movement have any impact on us, on modern day domestic as well as international situations?
Grand Award: Kyunggi Award $1,200
Ian Kim, “The World Tour of the Samil Movement (삼일운동과 세계 민족 운동)” Edgemont HS (9th)
1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,000
William Chung, “Forging an Identity Through Blood and Tears (피 와 눈물로 만들어내는 아이덴티티)” Bergen County Academies (12th)
2nd Place: PL Scholarship $500
Maxim Melnichuk, “The Search for Freedom and Its Shining Beacon of Hope (자유의 추구와 희망의 횃불)”
Northern Valley Regional HS at Demarest (11th)Brian Jon, “There is no future for the people who have forgotten history (과거를 잊은 사람들에게는 미래가 없다)”
Bergen County Technical HS at Teterboro (10th)
3rd Place: Osam Scholarship $300
Yuanchen Liu, “Protestantism and Korean Nationalism (한국의 민족주의와 신교의 연관성)”
Hunter College HS (12th)Madeleine Song, “The Story That Never Ends: The Past, Present, and Future of the March 1st Movement (끝나지 않는 이야기:삼일운동의 과거,현재,미래)” Northern Valley Regional HS at Demarest (12th)
Henry Jihoon Ahn, “Yu Gwan Sun’s 100 Year Torch (유관순의100년간의 횃불)” Northern Valley Regional HS at Old Tappan (10th)
Research Award $300
Yuanchen Liu, “Protestantism and Korean Nationalism (한국의 민족주의와 신교의 연관성)” Hunter College HS (12th)
Emily Cheyeon Gil, “March 1st in Modern Times (현대의 삼일운동)” Bergen County Technical HS (11th)
Aiden Kwen, “Religion in Korea: The Impact of the March First Movement (한국의 종교- 삼일운동의 영향)”
Tenafly HS (11th)
Finalist $100
Maddie Cho, “The March First Movement: Not To Be Forgotten (잊혀서는 안되는 삼일운동)”
Tenafly HS (10th)Lauren Jun, “Societal Impacts of the March 1st Movement (삼일운동의 사회적 영향)” Townsend Harris HS (9th)
Syon Lee, “Mansei (만세)” Milburn HS (10th)
1. How has your exposure to Korean culture or history impacted you?
2.Discuss the escalating tension between the United States and North Korea: Its impact on global politics and the prospect of reunification of the divided Korean Peninsula
Grand Award: Kyunggi Award $1,200
Christine Han, “I am Korean, I am Proud (나는 자랑스러운 한국인)“
Ridgewood HS (11th)
1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship $1,000
Brian Jon, “Fighting for your rights: Stand Up and Speak Out (당신의 권리: 당당한 의견발표)” Bergen Technical HS (9th)
2nd Place: PL Scholarship $500
Alyssa Ferdinand, “How Korean Has Changed My Perspective on Life (한국어는 내 삶의 관점을 바꿨다)”
Ridgefield Memorial HS (12th)Daniel Jin, “My Mother’s Kimchi Jjigae (우리 엄마의 김치찌개)“
Rutherford HS (12th)
3rd Place: Osam Scholarship $300
Rachel Han, “I am a Korean-American (나는 한국인이며 미국인이다)“ Moorestown HS (12th)
Jiyoon Hwang, “Discovering My Identity in the Midst of Racism and Discrimination (민족차별속에서 내 identity 를 찾다)”
William Fremd HS (11th)Jeremy Kim, “Lessons from My Grandfather (할아버지의 교훈)“
Hunter College HS (10th)
Finalist $100
Victoria Choe, “How the Korean Culture has Impacted my Lifestyle (한국 문화가 내 삶에 준 영향)” Whippany Park HS (11th)
Christopher Park, “Being _ _ _ _ _ ( 나는 나다)“ River Dell HS (10th)
Nicollette Cruz, “A Culture in Motion (다양한 문화)“
Ridgefield Memorial HS (11th)Alex Ogle, “The Impact of Korean Culture (한국문화의 영향)“
Fairfield Area HS (11th)
1. Division of the Korean Peninsula
2. Korean culture
1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship
Sohee Kim, "Proud of My Name and Culture (내 이름에 담긴 자랑스러운 유산)" Northern Valley Regional HS at Old Tappan (10th)
2nd Place: PL Scholarship & Research Award
Christine Han, "Yun Dong Ju: The Anguished Voice of Korea (윤동주: 한국고뇌의 목소리)"
Ridgewood HS (10th)
2nd Place: PL Scholarship
Joanna Jo, "Yu Gwan-Sun: A Story for the World (세계에 알리고 싶은 유관순)" Palisades Park HS (11th)
3rd Place: Osam Scholarship
Andrew Lee, "Colonel Young-Oak Kim (김영옥 대령)"
St. Francis Preparatory School (11th)Youna Choi, "Worth Waiting For (기다림의 가치)"
Bergen County Academies (10th)Derek Chun, "Ahn Jung Geun: His Life and Legacy (안중근: 생애와 유산)"
John P. Stevens High School (10th)
Bing Chen, "The Significance of North Korean Defectors to the World (탈북자들은 말한다)" Brooklyn Technical HS (12th)
Shannon Dussman, "The Korean Entertainment Industry and Its Worldwide Impact (한국 엔터테인멘트 사업이 세계에 끼친 영향)" Columbia High School (11th)
Soonmyung Hwang, "The Human Representation of Global Citizenship (세계시민 반기문)" William Fremd HS (12th)
Seunghoon Kim, "Kang Young Woo: The Blind Visionary (맹인 강영우의 이상)" Ridgefield Memorial HS (12th)
Jiwon Estee Yi, "Korea's Ancestral Veneration and Its Potential for Global Appeal (한국의 조상공경 사상이 가지는 매력)" The Bronx High School of Science (9th)
Jeremy Kim, “North Korea’s Isolation: The Dangerous Legacy of Division(북한의 고립: 분단의 위험한 유산)” Hunter College HS (9th)
Research Award
David Oks, "The Poplar Tree Incident: The Skirmish That Nearly Caused a War (포플라나무 사건: 전쟁 일보 직전)" The Masters School (10th)
'한국 역사상 정치, 경제, 사회, 문화 등 각 분야에 크게 영향을 준 인물이나 사건 또는 한 시대를 선택하여, 그 역사적 배경과 한국과 한국국민에게 끼친 영향에 대해 토론 하십시오'
Grand Award
1st Place & Research Award
2nd Place: PL Scholarship
Tommy Park, "Truth and Reconciliation (진실과 화해)" Horace Greeley HS
Julie Kim, "Teaching the World with Her Courage (그녀의 용기로 세계를 감동시키다)" UC Tech HS
3rd Place: Osam Scholarship
Yohan Shin, "The Missionary Thomas was a Cornerstone for the Development of the Korean Country and its People (한국민과 한국 발전의 모퉁이 돌, 토마스 선교사)" Tenafly HS
Sarah Rim, "The Korean " Comfort Women " : War victims to Be Commemorated, Not to Be Neglected (등한시 되지말고, 상기되어야할 전쟁피해자: 한국인 종군위안부)" Stuyvesant HS
Kristin Kweon, "Hallyu: The Korean Wave (한국의 물결)" Academies at Englewood
Research Award
Seunghee Lee, “The Jikji: Proof to Defy and Redeem” High School of American Studies at Lehman College
Lauren Kyuhee Choi, "Unknown Movement (알려지지 않은 독립운동)" The Bronx HS of Science
Bo Lee, "Mansae, Mansae! (만세, 만세!)" Bergen County Academies
Seunghee Lee, "The Jikji : Proof to Defy and Redeem (항에 맞서 찾아낸 우리의 보물, 직지)" HS of America Studies at Lehman College
David Oks, "The Legacy of President Syngman Rhee (초대대통령, 이승만 박사의 민족적 유산)" The Masters School
Commemorating 1945
Grand Award
Eugene Kim, "From an Ecstatic Independence to a Tragic Separation: People versus Politic"
Cherry Hill High School East
1st Place: Tahn-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship
Justin Kim, “1945: A New Hope for Korea”
Bronx High School of Science
2nd Place: PL Scholarship
Richard Kim, "The Land of the Morning Calm"
Livingston High SchoolChristina Yun, "1945: The Year Everything Changed" Eastchester High School
3rd Place: Osam Scholarship
Stella Nan, "The Realizable Dream"
Fort Lee High SchoolHyun Joo (Haley) Yang, "Two Koreas" Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest
Yoonsun Choi, "Distant Dream of Unity"
Bergen County Academy
Research Award
Hyun Joo (Haley) Yang, "Two Koreas"
Northern Valley Regional High School at Demarest
Julie Kim, "The 38th Parallel: Line of Separation, Line of Hope"
Union County Vocational-Tech HSMagnus Roh, "The Korean War Never Ended"
Palisades Park Jr/Sr High SchoolJiwon Jung, "What We Should Not Forget"
Fort Lee High SchoolYehyun Lee, "Two Tears"
Fort Lee High SchoolJasmine Park, "The Year 1945: Why It Matters: The Past, Present, Future Divide" Bayside High School
Tenzin Deckyi, "Division of Korea"
Francis Lewis High SchoolKristin Kweon, "The Marvels and Mishaps of Korea"
Academies at EnglewoodJohn Kim, "The Prospect of 'Free and Independent' South Korea Under Military Rule [the Allied Forces]"
Clarkstown High School SouthTommy Park, "United We Stand, and Divided We Fall"
Horace Greeley High School
Grand Award
Yunhee Hyun, "우리는 하나"
Hunter College HS
1st Place: Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship
Yaehee Gloria Bae, "눈치빠른 배려심"
Northern Valley Regional HS
2nd Place: PL Scholarship
Joshua Lee, "울산 조선소로 한국의 입지가 달라졌다"
Leonia HSSojin Kim, "김구"
Cherry Hill HS
3rd place: Osam Scholarship
Madelyn Kim, "세종대왕"
Academies at EnglewoodCheryl Lee, "Korean American Identity Reborn on Sa-i-gu (4,29 사건으로 우리의 identity를 찾았다)"
Bayside HSArnorld Hasani, "How Korean Culture Changed My Life (한국전통이 내게 준 영향)"
1st place: Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship
Nahae Kim, "Dr. Seo-Yang Park"
Great Neck South HS
2nd place: Suh Kwangsun Scholarship
Nicholas Kim, "Backbom Kim Ku"
Whippany Park HSAnne Kim, "Yu Gwan-Sun"
Richard Montgomery HS
3rd place: Osam Scholarship
Ashley Kim, "King Sejong"
Livingston HSSora Lee, "An Chang-Ho"
Rutherford HSSarah Park, "Yu Gwan-Sun"
Francis Lewis HSJane Sul, "Dr. Seo Jae-Pil"
Cherry Hill HS
Juneho Jang, "The Pioneer of Korea's Electronic Age"
Fort Lee HSJane Cho, "Sejong Daewang"
Wayne Hills HSTommy Do, "Kim Ku"
Northern Valley Regional HS
1st Place: Dr. Kilyoung Yun Scholarship
Cailey Martin, "The Division of Korea”
Scarsdale HS
2nd Place: Than-Ahm Yong-Ku Cho Scholarship
Ryan Choi, "Nation’s Debt & People’s Courage"
Jong Lee, "Yangnyeong"
3rd Place: Osam Scholarship
Christopher Han, "Yi Sun Sin"
Yury Higuchi, "Yu Gwan Sun"
Lubin Lee, "A Nation Survived The Impossible"
Eunhye Gim, “Hwe Young Lee”
Han Lim Lee, “Kee Chung”
Jieun Yoo, “Choi Hyun Bae”
“A Korean Historical Figure I Most Admire”
1ST Place
Sue Jung Lee, "김점동"
Northern Valley Regional HS (10th Grade)
2nd Place
Christine Y. Kim, "Seo Jae-Pil: The Man Who Inspired My Dream (서재필)"
Lenape HS (10th Grade)Kenneth Mok, "반기문"
Northern Valley Regional HS (11th Grade)
3rd Place
Sungmin Kang, "세종대왕"
North Gwinnett HS (10th Grade)Ho Jun Park, "허병렬"
Horace Greeley HS (9th Grade)Jason Park, "이순신"
Edgemont Jr./Sr. HS (9th Grade)
Katherine Oh, "안중근"
Stuyvesant HS (9th Grade)Sooyeon Jung, "세종대왕"
Earl L. Vandermeulen HS (11th Grade)Hyung-Jun Pang, "안중근"
Edgemont Jr./Sr. HS (10th Grade)Juneho Jang, "장영실"
Fort Lee HS (9th Grade)